The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee is just a few days away on Sunday, 5 June 2022. To mark the occasion there are many brilliant toolkits and resources across the internet on, and many more. You can find activity packs, recipes, posters, playlists, bunting and more. However, the one thing I couldn’t find was a profile picture frame.

Option 1: Facebook

I did think I could make one on Facebook as I have a developer account, but unfortunately, Facebook Frame Studio is now limited to certain organisations. This is a shame since it limits the features’ reach and creativity.

Facebook Frame Studio on
Facebook Frame Studio on

Option 2: Make my own

Next, I went on the look for a profile picture frame generator and came across which turned out to be the perfect solution, in the next few steps I’ll show you how to use this website to make your own Queen’s Platinum Jubilee 2022 Profile Picture. home page home page

Step 1: The Frame

I used the Platinum Jubilee Primary logo from the ‘Logos for websites and designers‘ section of the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport’s website, as the start for my frame, next I used Pixelmator to add in a white background and cut out the crown for the profile picture to go in and saved the frame as a PNG (download it here).

Step 2: Your profile picture

Next, head over to and click ‘OPEN PROFILE PICTURE MAKER‘ a third down the page, click ‘INSERT PHOTO‘ and use any picture you wish to be your profile picture. I would recommend a picture with a bit of space all around you, move it so your face is in the middle and we can go to the next step. with a picture added with a picture added

Step 3: Add the frame

In the bottom panel on the right-hand select ‘IMAGE‘ and ‘INSERT IMAGE AS BORDER‘ and select the frame you downloaded earlier. This will add the frame to your profile picture. Next, we need to make some adjustments. with the frame added with the frame added

Step 4: Finishing Touches

On the top panel on the right-hand, we need to adjust the sliders to complete our Platinum Jubilee Profile Picture. Move the ‘THICKNESS‘ slider all the way to the left, move the ‘OFFSET‘ slider in one notch, and finally the ‘OPACITY‘ slider into just above where the blue dot is for ‘IMAGE‘ on the bottom panel. with adjustments made with adjustments made

There you have it, your Queen’s Platinum Jubilee 2022 Profile Picture is complete. Click ‘SAVE IMAGE‘.

Note: I had to download it twice as the first one just had a colour, so make sure you check you have it before closing the website.

Upload your new profile picture to your social media accounts (X/Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, etc) and show your support for the Queen’s 70 years on the thrown in style.

If you enjoyed this tutorial, feel free to tag me on X/Twitter @CarlRydings, I would love to see your profile pictures with this frame. Also, make sure you tag #PlatinumJubilee and/or #HM70 to share it with others celebrating the Jubilee.

Thanks for reading,