In addition to my Pringles and Tassimo Advent Calendar this year, I have picked up the 12 Projects of Codemas Maker Advent Calendar from The Pi Hut. It includes step-by-step guids taking you through 12 days of fun projects with new components every day!

Day #1: Getting Started

Friday 1st December 2023

Today, we Installed Thonny (Python IDE) on my Mac and the MicroPython firmware on the Pico. Made it ‘print’ text to the Shell window. Plus, turn its LED on and off.

Day #2: Let’s Get Blinky!

Sunday 3rd December 2023

Today, we created our first circuit with Red, Amber and Green LEDs. Added in 330 ohm resistors and jumper wires. Made them flash independently and in a sequence.

Day #3: Bashing Buttons!

Tuesday 5th December 2023

Today, we connected a Mini Breadboard to our build from yesterday, added the 3x Tall Tactile Buttons, and used Thonny to control the LEDs with the buttons.

Day #4: Amazing Analogue!

Thursday 7th December 2023

Today, we added a 10k Potentiometer and utilized the Pico’s ADC pins to change an LED’s flash speed, switch LED, and fade it based on analogue values.

Day #5: Hear my Code!

Saturday 9th December 2023

Today, we added a Buzzer to our circuit and used PWM frequencies we learned yesterday (plus duty cycle) to control the volume and play the first line of Jingle Bells.

Day #6: Looking for Light!

Monday 11th December 2023

Today, we added a Photo Transistor (Light Sensor) to our project. We utilized the values to change the LEDs based on low, normal and high light levels.

Day #7: Monitoring Motion!

Wednesday 13th December 2023

Today, we were meant to be adding a PIR Sensor to the build and using it to detect motion and sound an alarm. Unfortunately, my parts are missing from the box. I’ve contacted support, so hopefully, I’ll have them soon.

Day #8: Tracking Temps!

Friday 15th December 2023

Today, we used a temperature sensor to measure the ambients in the room. Added code to light a different LED based on ranges and sound an alarm when it’s too cold.

Day #9: Full Tilt!

Sunday 17th December 2023

Today, we added a ball tilt sensor to our build. This detects a tilt when the signal changes from high to low. We made it count each tilt in code and made it buzz.

Day #10: Breaking Beams!

Tuesday 19th December 2023

Today, using break beam sensors (emitter and receiver), we coded an output for when the beam is broken. Then, made a target score game utilising our LED/buzzer.

Day #11: OMG OLED!

Thursday 21st December 2023

Today, we imported libraries to allow our Pico to communicate with the OLED screen. Made an endless counter, naughty or nice game (via button), and light sensor readout.

Day #12: RGB LED Strip!

Saturday 23rd December 2023

Today, we built a circuit with addressable LEDs, created colours with RGB values, and used our button/potentiometer to light the entire strip in different ways.

That’s it for the 12 Projects of Codemas, I hope you enjoyed coming along for the journey.