When you’re at school, college or university it can be hard to keep track of everything you need to do and everywhere you need to be. That’s why I use iStudiez Pro to manage all my classes, assignments and grades. Here’s my app review.
Supermarket Scan and Go – The future of your weekly shop
Normal tills? self-checkouts? There’s a new kid in our supermarkets, the Scan and Go Apps and handheld terminals, the supermarkets claim these systems make our weekly shop faster and easier, find out my experience of them in today’s blog post.
Wetherspoon’s ‘Order and Pay’ App – The rise of the Apps continues
As you all know by now, I love technology, and I love apps and new ways to make life just that little bit easier by using the technology in our pockets. Today, I’m going to be looking at an App which I’ve been intrigued by for a while and have finally had a chance to try it out last Thursday, the ‘Order and Pay’ App from Wetherspoon.